Monday 15 August 2011

Adventures on planet Earth: Rome

I was just looking through some old photos and found these ones from a holiday a few years back to Rome with my parents and sister Helen. I'm critically in need of some more adventures on planet Earth right now.

Below, my parents in the Pantheon which dates from around 126AD and whose dome is still the largest unreinforced conrete dome in the world, almost 2000 years later.

St Peter's Square in the Vatican City. Below, a crazy statue of the ancient fertility Goddess Cybele in the Vatican museums, Michelangelo's famous Sistene Chapel ceiling which you're really not meant to take photos of, and the domes of the basilica.

The Gorgeous gothic facade of the 14th Century Orvieto Duomo in Umbria. And below, a detail from the side chapel of the Madonna di San Brizio which has some quite frightening frescoes depicting the Apocalypse and the Last Judgement.

Always nice to end a blog post with a bit of fire and brimstone eh?

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